Thursday, August 29, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 For our first Aice Media quiz we were asked to create a story using the different shots we learned to channel the story line of a specific object and convey the tone and aspect of the story.

I decided that I was going to do my story on the popular "Stanley /Hydroflask" and feature a less common water-bottle the Owala. It was going to be a comical story on the trending "Stanley" meeting a normal water-bottle.Although, at first both water bottles have their disagreement they soon realize their not so unalike after all.

I think I did a good job at taking all the shots and making sure that they were able to capture each scene, as well as convey a certain sense of meaning in each photo. For example, although the Hydroflask does not really have a mouth, in the "high angle shot" its capped flipped off to show that it was shocked at the Owla's appearance and the high angle shot allows for comedic choice to execute.In each scene it not only shows a kind of connection in between two water-bottles but also the clear difference in between the different types of shots. By placing the water-bottles in different positions and going outside, it made it easier to accomplish the end result in each shot. Although, for the most part I think each shot is conveyed well I still think I could work on specifically getting the right angle to not make the shots so uneven so that there is a clearer  perspective to which shot is which.With more practice i'm sure I can execute it in the end!


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