Tuesday, September 24, 2024


For the One Word Film project we were instructed to create a short film ranging from 60-90 seconds (about 1 and a half minutes) based on an assigned word, which in our case was tolerance. We were supposed to start by brainstorming how to convey this word through various media, then complete the "One Word Film" Brainstorming sheet and submit it on Canvas. Next, we develop a 15-slide storyboard outlining our shots and editing plan. Then once we gather all necessary footage except for audio. We focus on editing using adobe premiere or iMovie. I ended up going with iMovie as I was more familiar with it. 

During brainstorming, we initially struggled to find the right idea to convey the word "tolerance." After discussing various concepts, we settled on a story about a pro soccer player who finds acceptance with a non-soccer player. The non-soccer player enjoys soccer and ends up teaching the pro player some skills. This idea allowed us to explore the theme of tolerance through their growing friendship despite being polar opposites when it came to playing soccer. 

At first genuinely thinking about the storyboard, I did not think it would be that useful but after I realized how incredibly significant it was in our filming process. It provided us with a clear layout, which allowed us to focus on capturing the shots and angles without having to think of angles or scenes while filming. Having a specific plan helped keep us organized and on track and just focus on filming. 

For editing, I used iMovie, which I was familiar with which it allowed me to efficiently develop a variety of editing skills and help with the process of all the content I had. I also referenced my notes to be able to have specific editing to enhance the final product. 

We effectively captured a variety of angles, which helped convey our story visually. 

We spent too much time filming, since we would overthink everything, we filmed. Which resulted in us filming over three separate times. Next time, I would like to improve our efficiency and capture more content, even if I am unsure about its use. Since during the editing process there were specific scenes that needed more content. I believe that having a few more videos during filming could have been more helpful.