Do you pay attention to the Credit Sequence?
A credit sequence is a section of a film or television show that lists the people and companies who worked on the production. It is important because it acknowledges everyone who worked on the film. Sometimes people forget how much more there really is to film from the clothes, editing and directing to the producers and cinematographer. That is why it is essential to list and acknowledge their hard work. I mean imagine working so hard on something and not receiving credit for it.
It also serves as a way to set the tone for the film and begin the story. It is what gives the impression for what is about to take place as well as the films theme. Each film has a particular way of displaying it whether they take a more drastic approach or simple.They are also able to introduce the main characters.
The Social Network (2010)
This first film is one I recently watched with one of my best friends, and while working on this post it came to mind. The Social Network is based on the creation of Facebook. What I noticed was how interesting it was to have a digital look that has a more contemporary feel resembling font’s that are more clean. The credits appear on the city and night which sets the mood for the rest of the film since it’s related to technology and social media to technology.It made complete sense for what this film was.

Birdman (2014)
Another film that’s has an interesting film sequence is Birdman based on a former superhero who is trying to seek hope by being in a broadway show. The credit sequence establishes a more impactful font that had a simple clean look. What I like about it is how they are placed on the top left or in the center the screen so we can appreciate how it is almost blended to the background of the theater. They keep us focused on the credits yet intrigued in the film.

The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006)
The last film I wanted to include was The Pursuit of Happyness a man fighting for a better life for him and his son (lovely movie btw). I think you can’t go wrong with a serious and simple font feel which is something I would like to include in our film opening. It also does a phenomenal job at matching the feeling of the film, if you decide to watch you realize how much it matches the films reality and how straightforward it is. It establishes the emotional feel. This is useful because you begin to see the film and are able to stay hooked while staying paying attention to the credits. In my film opening I want the viewers to feel intrigued to watch the film while learning about who was apart of the film.

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