Friday, February 14, 2025

Media Theory + Integrating it into our project

                                                                    MEDIA THEORY 

Media theory is the study of how communication mediums affect society.They are useful because it can help one analyze and further understand the relationship between people vs film.It is how we can assess the effects media has on society as a whole.Understanding different theories is important because it makes us as people truly understand what it is we are watching.In todays age much of my generation undergoes a process called "brain rot" where sometimes you keep scrolling hoping for some sort of high you will get off what you are watching, when in reality you don't understand what you are watching at all.Media Theory helps us evaluate and understand the affect of what we are watching.

In our short film I want to use the active audience theory which is a media studies theory which suggests audiences are not passive recipient's of media messages.What I like about this theory the reason for which I would like it to be integrated is because it strives for the audience to be actively engaged with what they are watching. So not only are they understanding what content they are seeing but they are engaged with the experience and context.They are able to have their own biased interpretations built up by their culture, their age, and even their gender.

Since our film opening is more simple, it can be more easily comprehended. Such as what is taking place which  is why the active audience theory  is more comprehendible.That way our audience can ACTUALLY engage with our content and not just watch it. They can each interpret it however they want, especially because we fall under the drama category and want it to be a more relatable piece.Thats what makes the biggest difference of all and what we truly aim to get out of our film opening.

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