Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mise-en-scene Lighting


                                                       LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION

LIGHTING lets talk about it. Honestly to me lighting is everything always, no matter what lighting can make the biggest difference.From an instagram photo, to a Tikok video, candid memories and so much more.Lighting is able to generate the mood one feels whether its dark and gloomy or bright and cheerful.For me personally lighting plays a big role in my specifically because it defines the way I feel, which might sound like an exaggeration but if there is dark lighting I might feel more down.For example, sometimes the bright white fluorescent ceiling lights at school drive me a bit crazy and in a bit of discomfort. I don't even know what it is but it does.

Lighting plays a major role in films in creating the visual impact for its viewers.It dictates where the audience should look and what is important.There is all sorts of lighting like low key, hard, back, key, soft and so much more.In our film opening I want to use key lighting especially because I want to establish some tension, guilt and slight sadness. By using warm lighting it will create a anticipation for Alessandra and Davis when opening their decision letters.It not only creates a little bit of coziness being in the bedroom but it also highlights the guilt that Alessandra feels as she opens her acceptance knowing Davis didn't get in.

I also want to use some accent lighting, using specific items around the bedroom such as lamps.Using the little bits of lights makes the scene feel more real and continues to reflect a relatable feel for the viewers.It makes the scene more interesting casting subtle shadows and bringing attention to objects like the desk where they clearly devote a lot of time.It even creates a sense of transition in each of their lives and a sense of a new beginning.

Here is an example of what I mean:

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