Stranger Things
Fonts lets talk about it, every font choice can break or make your film opening, Its important to make sure that the font matches the same vibe as the films theme and overall mood.The visual style is key to have it compliment the entirety of the film.When choosing which font to integrate there are a few things to take into mind such as the tone, genre, and mood.
Here we can see how the font choice for Stranger Things matches perfectly the supernatural, and eerie tone of the show.
For our film opening the font has to match the simple
and minimalistic mood of our film opening.The website I decided to use is which has tons of font choices to play around with and get an idea of what will work best for ours. Here are a a variety of font choices like 1: Times New Roman, 2: Perandory, 3: Archivo Black, and 4: Yeseva One that I think match the mood of our film opening.
They each evoke a more traditional feel which I think is super ideal for a moment like opening a college decision letter.These fonts are a little more serious which I think is good for how important a moment like this is.This basically determines the course of their life, so having a font that symbolizes the weight of this news is important.
One of the fonts I have listed is Archivo Black which is more bold and brings a sense of awareness to such a momentous moment.It also clarifies what it is going to be about since it is more visual for the eye and creates a powerful feeling.It is also modern which matches the minimalistic aesthetic of the film opening for the unknown future.
Overall, it is going to take a lot of test trials with our film opening to see what suites it best but for now this is the idea of fonts we want to go for!
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