Sunday, March 2, 2025

Foley Sounds


Foley Sounds are sound effects that are added in post production in our film opening adding foley sounds is essential to enhance our entire opening.Having the most realistic sound can make the viewer more drawn to the film.

For our film opening we specifically needed to add foley sounds and layer our sound for our first scene based in town center where several sounds are used.The sounds of chatter in the background, birds, footsteps, and our dialogue. With some of these sound effects we are not able to cohesively record them. Which is why using reliable sites can help make it the very most realistic.

I used to get the most realistic sounds. I then used I movie to edit the sounds together.Although, there are better editing sites I know how to work with I movie the most especially when it comes to sounds, since I have some previous experience from the past.

I carefully adjusted all of the sounds we weren't able to record and after what felt like 7 hours of work. I successfully did it!

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