Sunday, March 9, 2025


                                 PROGRESS PROGRESS AND SOME MORE PROGRESS

              How did my production skills develop throughout this project you may wonder?

Now its time to start planning for my first CCR.Here is an idea of what I would like to answer for my first question.

One of my favorite quotes is " Focus on Progress and not perfection" I like this quote so much because I think when we heavily rely on perfection we never end up with what we had in mind. Focusing on progress on the other hand allows us to aim for something much more achievable that can even achieve perfection later on.For example, its like going to the gym expecting your dream body after one workout, its the consistency and progress that will lead you to have it later on.

When I first started the project I genuinely had no clue what to expect and I mean from everything. Myself/dedication, the work, and how it would turn out. It was the constant research, the dedication, and the patience that allowed me to build something that I was actually really happy with. In the beginning of this I had never done a professional film opening before. I mean something like this was completely new to me and now I have done it and I am truly so proud of myself for learning so much about what it takes to build something like this.

My skills developed in a variety of ways. For starters, I learned how to direct a film from the shots we had to film to the angles and the prior planning that had to be done.I was able to get better at staying consistent with different choices and not overthinking what I hd to film. I also got better on how to edit, with the use of many youtube videos I learned a variety of new tricks and skills I would have never known before.

Overall, all of my production skills improved for the better.Learning how to implement what I had learned in class to real life made it make much more sense. The hues of lighting and even realizing how different media theories are implemented and used!

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