Friday, February 28, 2025

Costume creation- Alessandra

 OKAY TODAY IS THE DAY COSTUMES!! Today we are going to dive in what Alessandra is going to wear. I have to say I think the most exciting part has to be planning what to wear. I want the costume to clearly express Alessandra and her personality especially in the news she is about to hear. Now it is important to avoid any costs that is why I am putting my teenage closet to use!

Finally, shoes in todays age Reeboks are a trending shoe in GEN Z, so why not add this s

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Titles – Fonts

                           Stranger Things


Fonts lets talk about it, every font choice can break or make your film opening, Its important to make sure that the font matches the same vibe as the films theme and overall mood.The visual style is key to have it compliment the entirety of the film.When choosing which font to integrate there are a few things to take into mind such as the tone, genre, and mood.                                                                  

Here we can see how the font choice for Stranger Things matches perfectly the supernatural, and eerie tone of the show. 

For our film opening the font has to match the simple 

and minimalistic mood of our film opening.

The website I decided to use is which has tons of font choices to play around with and get an idea of what will work best for ours. Here are a a variety of font choices like  1: Times New Roman, 2: Perandory, 3: Archivo Black,  and 4: Yeseva One that I think match the mood of our film opening.

They each evoke a more traditional feel which I think is super ideal for a moment like opening a college decision letter.These fonts are a little more serious which I think is good for how important a moment like this is.This basically determines the course of their life, so having a font that symbolizes the weight of this news is important.

One of the fonts I have listed is Archivo Black which is more bold and brings a sense of awareness to such a momentous moment.It also clarifies what it is going to be about since it is more visual for the eye and creates a powerful feeling.It is also modern which matches the minimalistic aesthetic of the film opening for the unknown future.

Overall, it is going to take a lot of test trials with our film opening to see what suites it best but for now this is the idea of fonts we want to go for!

Sunday, February 23, 2025


Audio, lets talk about it. Clearly something in our daily lives that plays a significant role in films ( P.S I know I say almost everything plays an important role but it does!!!) Sometimes audio is more than just us talking our heads off, it is the sound of the chair, typing on the computer and even the birds chirping in the sky.

In our film opening, we are going to be using plenty of layers when it comes to sounds. In our opening scene when walking around town center we are going to layer the sound of our feet against the concrete floor walking, the birds chirping in the sky, the background sound of people talking, along with me and Davis dialogue.

The way we are going to achieve a greater resolution of sound is using individual small microphones hidden inside of each of us. That way our dialogue is transmitted clearly and then we can individually record the rest of the background noises to produce a clear sound.

In the case that we are not able to clearly achieve this we can use foley sounds to resemble the real-life sounds we want in our film opening.Using my knowledge with some practice on class assignments in the past, using them is extremely helpful in cases that it is harder to create our own.

Our goal is to make the audio as crisp as possible because without it our film opening could potentially collapse completely. SOUND CHANGES EVERYTHING. When I watch a movie with bad audio sometimes my first thought is to just stop watching and because this is our film opening having clear audio is essential. 

Mise-en-scene Lighting


                                                       LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION

LIGHTING lets talk about it. Honestly to me lighting is everything always, no matter what lighting can make the biggest difference.From an instagram photo, to a Tikok video, candid memories and so much more.Lighting is able to generate the mood one feels whether its dark and gloomy or bright and cheerful.For me personally lighting plays a big role in my specifically because it defines the way I feel, which might sound like an exaggeration but if there is dark lighting I might feel more down.For example, sometimes the bright white fluorescent ceiling lights at school drive me a bit crazy and in a bit of discomfort. I don't even know what it is but it does.

Lighting plays a major role in films in creating the visual impact for its viewers.It dictates where the audience should look and what is important.There is all sorts of lighting like low key, hard, back, key, soft and so much more.In our film opening I want to use key lighting especially because I want to establish some tension, guilt and slight sadness. By using warm lighting it will create a anticipation for Alessandra and Davis when opening their decision letters.It not only creates a little bit of coziness being in the bedroom but it also highlights the guilt that Alessandra feels as she opens her acceptance knowing Davis didn't get in.

I also want to use some accent lighting, using specific items around the bedroom such as lamps.Using the little bits of lights makes the scene feel more real and continues to reflect a relatable feel for the viewers.It makes the scene more interesting casting subtle shadows and bringing attention to objects like the desk where they clearly devote a lot of time.It even creates a sense of transition in each of their lives and a sense of a new beginning.

Here is an example of what I mean:

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en-scene Props


Mise-en-scene refers to the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play.In other words its basically the technique used for the visual elements that take place in front of the screen.It can include anything ranging from the setting, props, lighting and more.Today I am gonna be focusing on the props.

In our case our props are going to be much more simple specifically because our scene doesn't require a lot.We are just two teens opening their college decision letters if we over do it our scene could look fake and not represent the relatable feeling we want to establish.For our scene we are going to be using two computers that is going to be the most essential prop for our filming opening, it's going to show the computer open with the logo of the school (University of Miami) this is what is going to represent the tension and excitement that we hold inside of the computer.

The scene is also going to show some personal items in the bedroom set like some photos on the wall of previous memories, a lamp, a textbook that will represent a more studious environment.A phone that will also reflect their teenage vibe.

For the bedroom their is going to be a pretty simple atmosphere with a desk, chair and nice bedding.The small details is what also represents the character and personality. So, we know creating a minimal room with simple decoration's will show that they are organized, focused, and a little bit of their personality. Overall, the props that we will be using will create the visual aesthetic of our characters and their determination in school.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Character Development- Alessandra


In this blog post I wanted to focus on the character Alessandra, as you can tell by the name were not too different. I wanted us to share similar personality traits but with a slight twist. You may be thinking why choose to have such have a similar character? That way when filming the audience can relate more with the character since I can play a role I truly understand. 

 This Alessandra is much more dedicated and hardworking (not that I am not she is just to another level) and has been working toward the specific goal her entire life. Entering her dream school (The University of Miami) is all she has strived for. Her style is casual and cute, always wearing simple sneakers. Character development is the growth of a character in a story or the growth of a person's trait over time.  I wanted this character to be studious, determined, hardworking, but most of all found simplicity and joy in the trivial things in life, which is where we share similar characteristics. I wanted this character to be relatable, something that many teenagers today feel that they can relate to, a character that is driven, intelligent but also adaptable. Likes to have a good time with her friends, go shopping, CRUMBL cookies, go to the beach, and most of all spend time with her best friend Davis. 

Davis and Alessandra have been friends since they were kids. They have gone through everything together, helping each other in the hardest moments of life to the happiest. From eating ice cream, to watching movies, to studying and road trips. They have done it all and they genuinely want the best for each other. They have dreamed of entering this university their entire lives. It is both of their personalities at this point. Davis has a more humorous personality, while Alessandra is a little bit more serious and somehow, that is how they click. It is impertinent to them to remain in each other's lives and move into the next chapter of their lives entering the University of Miami. 

Down below is an idea of how Alessandra is: 

Here is another example ( also why she dreams of going to the University of Miami so bad)


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Screenplay - Admitted


Screenplay is the script of a movie, including acting instructions and scene directions. If I have to be honest I have never wrote a professional script before so this assignment was honestly a bit terrifying. I have some prior knowledge on screenplay and me and Davis spent the entire day basically studying the format and eventually coming up with ours. The format for a screenplay is actually quite simple at least much more simple than what I thought. It includes a 12-point courier font, a few inch margins, aprox 55 lines ( in our case a bit different) and page numbers on the right corner.Also, many scripts include fade in or fade out which refers too the transitions that may take place. It is also essential to include certain characteristics on the characters so that their is a further understanding to who they are ( makes it easier for the actor to understand the character as well ;) In other words SCRIPTS ARE NECESSARY NO MATTER WHAT.

In our script we knew exactly what we were going for. The vision was clear, it was more of understanding how to get their properly.After discussing together we sat down and wrote what a simple script, once we have our idea completely settled we will perfect it to meet the criteria and requirements perfectly.

Here is a link to a rough draft of our script

It is a work in progress since we will most likely change it around!

Here is an example of what an accurate script looks like 

This is a visual script that shows what should be included.We will continue to learn about the process of screenplay.Wish us luck!

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 Plot – “Admitted”

Davis and Alessandra do everything together. They have the same classes, same grades and even the same SAT scores. For as long as they can remember they have had one plan - get into the University of Miami together. That’s all they want, so they don’t apply to any backup or "safety schools." It had to be just them, at UM, living their best lives.

University of Miami Case Study | Interstride

When Decision Day comes, they agree to face time with each other so that they can find out their decisions together. They are each in their rooms, hyping each other up while also pretending like this wasn’t the biggest moment of their lives. Davis is making jokes and Alessandra is laughing too much. 

Image result for image of screen with confetti college acceptance University of Miami

They count down…they click…and…only one of them gets in. Confetti bursts onto Alessandra’s screen. Davis gets a "Thanks for applying, try again never."

Silence. The audience is aware of what happened, but the characters do not know each other’s fate just yet. Alessandra looks at Davis’ face and realizes he didn’t get in. She panics. Instead of just telling him she got in, she pretends she doesn’t know her decision. She says that she forgot her password and that her Wi-Fi just crashed. She even hints at possible identity theft.

Davis isn’t an idiot. He laughs, but not in the same way. He’s overly calm because he’s trying to shove his feelings into a deep, dark hole. Alessandra scrambles to come up with reasons why this happened to him. Maybe it’s a glitch? Maybe admissions made a mistake? Maybe Carol from the admissions office (running joke) has terrible judgment?

Davis just shakes his head and asks her to stop, and she does.  The weight of what just happened finally sinks in. Davis then asks what they both know is coming: "So… are you going to accept?"

Alessandra hovers over the button. She doesn’t click…yet. Just like that, their whole plan, their whole friendship, everything they dreamed about is suddenly up in the air.

Image result for question marks image


Plot of whole movie (what happens after the opening): At first, they pretend nothing’s changed—Alessandra acts like she’s fine going without him, and Davis plays it cool, like he never really cared. Little by little, things change. There are missed texts and awkward conversations. As college creeps closer, the real question isn’t whether they’ll end up at the same school, it’s whether their friendship can survive not ending up in the same place at all. In the end, she goes to UM and Davis doesn’t. The movie shows that this isn’t the end, just a new version of them.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Media Theory + Integrating it into our project

                                                                    MEDIA THEORY 

Media theory is the study of how communication mediums affect society.They are useful because it can help one analyze and further understand the relationship between people vs film.It is how we can assess the effects media has on society as a whole.Understanding different theories is important because it makes us as people truly understand what it is we are watching.In todays age much of my generation undergoes a process called "brain rot" where sometimes you keep scrolling hoping for some sort of high you will get off what you are watching, when in reality you don't understand what you are watching at all.Media Theory helps us evaluate and understand the affect of what we are watching.

In our short film I want to use the active audience theory which is a media studies theory which suggests audiences are not passive recipient's of media messages.What I like about this theory the reason for which I would like it to be integrated is because it strives for the audience to be actively engaged with what they are watching. So not only are they understanding what content they are seeing but they are engaged with the experience and context.They are able to have their own biased interpretations built up by their culture, their age, and even their gender.

Since our film opening is more simple, it can be more easily comprehended. Such as what is taking place which  is why the active audience theory  is more comprehendible.That way our audience can ACTUALLY engage with our content and not just watch it. They can each interpret it however they want, especially because we fall under the drama category and want it to be a more relatable piece.Thats what makes the biggest difference of all and what we truly aim to get out of our film opening.